Partners Group Global Income Fund – Class A (ETL4037AU)
Monthly Report Global Income Fund - Class A
Download – January 2025 Monthly Report
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Ratings and research reports
Private markets investment funds are considered to be high risk products and are classified as an 'alternative' investment. All investors should therefore familiarise themselves with the risks and all of the product features in order to ensure they can bear the risks involved. This is particularly important where retail clients are concerned. Advisers should ensure that their clients understand the risks and features properly. For a fuller description of the risks applicable to an investment in the Partners Group Global Income Fund - Unlisted, please refer to the fund’s Product Disclosure Statement’.
Platform Availability
The Partners Group Global Income Fund - Unlisted is available on the following platforms (A-Z):
- Macquarie Wrap
- HUB24
- HUB24 Super
- Netwealth
- Powerwrap
- Praemium