Partners Group Next Generation Infrastructure Fund
What is Partners Group Next Generation Infrastructure Fund?
A managed investment scheme which aims to provide investors with:
- An alternative to listed infrastructure, while attempting to minimize exposure to stock market volatility.
- Exposure to a diverse portfolio of private infrastructure assets that are not normally available to private investors.
- Monthly liquidity, subject to certain restrictions.
Who will the Fund appeal to?
- Investors seeking long-term infrastructure growth returns.
- Investors who are uncomfortable with the volatility of a portfolio comprised entirely of listed equities.
- Investors who are prepared to have an element of illiquid assets in their portfolio.
Where does it fit?
The Fund can be incorporated into an existing portfolio as:
- Part of the allocation to alternative infrastructure investments.
- An alternative to global listed infrastructure managers.
Monthly Report Next Generation Infrastructure Fund
Fact Sheet
Ratings and research reports
Private markets investment funds are considered to be high risk products and are classified as an 'alternative' investment. All investors should therefore familiarise themselves with the risks and all of the product features in order to ensure they can bear the risks involved. This is particularly important where retail clients are concerned. Advisers should ensure that their clients understand the risks and features properly. For a fuller description of the risks applicable to an investment in the Partners Group Next Generation Infrastructure Fund, please refer to the fund’s Product Disclosure Statement’.
PDS (including application form)
Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)
Download - Partners Group Next Generation Infrastrucuture Fund PDS
Target Market Determination ("TMD")
Platform Availability
Partners Group Next Generation Infrastructure Fund is available on the following platforms:
- Powerwrap
- Netwealth
- CFS Edge